Prescribed Nationalism


A sculptural composition that opens conversation around the forced nationalism of the United States and the ways that the masses are expected to engage with it. This piece is part of a show that explores the ways artificial intelligence and art can co-exist.


SIXTY is a performance-based art piece that showcases the reliance on process and practice in the course of achieving a product. The piece existed in new states over multiple periods and viewers were invited to embrace and explore each instance of the piece marked by impromptu artwork(s). In its completed state the individual pieces became secondary factors to the product. This piece in part is a metaphor, it showcases a sensibility for the creation of habits, moments and memories that often fade or disappear but leave a lasting impact of the character and life of an individual.

Code-switching & residual products of capitalist patriarchy

Mixed-media on linen with plaster, resin, acrylic paint, marker and gold-leaf 


In the late months of 2019 the world had a all eyes on a growing pandemic. The Coronavirus Disease-2019 [COVID-19] pandemic grew to become a sharp moment in time that put all of the world’s communities on pause. It lead to many individuals quarantined and isolated for several months. While this was a trying time for many it also proved an opportunity for us to embrace the passions we often put aside. The following pieces were created or inspired by the times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Essentially Grateful

During quarantine I was inspired to create this wall mural in honor of the essential workers currently battling this COVID-19 crisis.


Black Lives Matter

On May 25, 2020 a black man, George Perry Floyd Jr. was killed by a police officer, Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, MN. This was not the first time a BIPOC was killed unnecessarily however this moment marked a significant moment in the ongoing civil rights of Black and Brown bodies. The work here was created as a direct response to these moments.


The drawings pictured here represent victims to the overwhelming and disproportionate deaths of BIPOC due to racially related violence. These digital and hand drawn pieces were incorporated into the video message titled Their Names (below). This video was also adapted and celebrated by the All For One, Solo Shorts (seen here).